Bonitis Companeros Cavalier King Charles Spaniel Zucht Herzlich


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Dogs an the office

The Cavalier makes an ideal companion. My gang goes with me almost everywhere. II am lucky enough to be self-employed and so I can combine hobby and profession in an ideal manner, taking my dogs along to work with me, where they make for a wonderful working climate and spread plenty of good mood through their open personalities. This positive experience is also outlined in a article that appeared in the German magazine Rassehund (pure bred dog), the official VDH magazinr ...

Better working climate through dogs at the office


If an employee is able to bring his dog to work, this is not only a good thing for dog and owner alike but also for the others working at the office and for the level of productivity itself.

Dr Roger Henderson, an M.D. an expert for stress handling, says: „If a dog is present in stress situations, then our body produces an increased level of anti-stress hormones, so-called endorphines. Why this is we do not know but he effect is very clear.”

The expert is convinced that a dog around the office also means less fatigue, headaches and other aches and pains for the co-workers.

The general level of well-being of other employees is being elevated

These are some of the arguments that make it easier for dog lovers to get their boss to allow them to bring their four-legged friend to work with them.

Getting agreement of work colleagues is quite probable. For: digs in Germany continue to enjoy great popularity – not only with dog owners but also wit people who do not have a dog of their own.

According to a recent survey of the Research International Institute, even 82% of non-dog-owners say they are animal lovers. One third of the latter group keep another type of pet.

In case that it is impossible to take the dog along to work, it does not mean that one has to forego the joy of being around the four-legged friends.

Many animal-loving people are only too glad to dog-sit during the day for other people. Further information can be found at this link:

Source Rassehund VDH - Issue 01/03



Margret Mayer of Karlsruhe also had some good experiences
with her Cavalier dog Bentley who was bred by me:


Dogs at the working place or, holding up a pole for the Cavalier


Reception in the Foyer of our House

The House:

An international meeting center for many people

The People:

healthy and disabled people from church and economy

These are the kind of people I welcome here each day, throughout the year. There are many new faces but also people who come back over and over again. For instance lecturers and leaders of various training groups, from interns to conscientious objectors to academics and even bishops.


But it is not only me who greets them anymore, since July of this year a very pretty Cavalier King Charles Spaniel is sitting or lying right there under my desk at reception.

When he gets bored or curious, he gets up on two legs and tries to look over the counter in order to find out who I (his mummy) am talking to.


And so he becomes the reason for my conversation suddenly taking on an entirely different turn. The person I am taking to usually turns to the dog and says something like “who are you”, “what a friendly dog you are” or even “my is he cute”.


There are no communication problems, either. The dog understand gestures or nuances in the sound of voice, and takes a simple clicking of the tongue as an invitation to react by wagging its tail enthusiastically and looking at the new arrivals with huge puppy dog eyes that are sheer irresistible.

When I walk the dog, we sometimes run into our guests again and their mood immediately becomes freindly, even if they have just come out of exhausting meetings or trainings.

Whenever my colleagues arrive at the office, stressed out, their tense mood disappears when they see the friendly, tailwagging dog. Everyone smiles at him and so the animal manages what humans often can’t: it elevates our mood. More, it does wonders for the soul. This is something I could observe especially in the case of disabled people and the wheelchair-bound. They become cheerful and are all smiles when the dog approaches them and allows them to stroke its silky coat.

My Cavalier is a patient dog and waits until I have time for him. He always has time for everyone and this is how he receives plenty of affection. Clever, isn’t it?

Margarete Mayer



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